Where dogs and people come together to play!

AKC Agility Judge, Karen Wlodarski


I have been doing agility since 2000 and have been an AKC agility judge since 2009. I am also a licensed trial secretary. While I’ve owned breeds from beagles to collies, papillons have been my agility competitors. My dogs each have earned multiple MACH’s and are consistently ranked in the top five of their breed. I do take great care, however, in designing courses that are both do-able and fun for dogs of all sizes. My preference is for smooth flowing courses that allow the dogs to run. I have taught all levels of agility classes and special topics, including a popular course analysis seminar. My current home is on a barrier island near Charleston, SC; I’m originally from upstate NY and also lived in Boston and Indiana before moving south in 1997.

I look forward to a return visit to your lovely islands and judging for you next month…we will have a fun time together, aloha!


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