Where dogs and people come together to play!

Clean Run Course Sourcebook Vol.1

Subtitle: Standard Courses
Authors: Ann Croft and Annie Pyle ~

Whether you’re an agility instructor planning group class instruction, a volunteer organizing run-throughs or show-n-gos for your club, or a trainer looking for ideas for your home practice field, the Clean Run Course Sourcebook Vol. 1 is an invaluable resource. This edition focuses on Standard Agility courses.

We’ve designed 100 Standard Agility courses that contain challenges suitable for AKC Excellent, FCI Agility III, and USDAA Masters level work and have broken these down to create nested-style courses appropriate for novice and intermediate dogs and handlers—that’s a total of 300 courses! Set up your equipment only once and run three different courses of varying difficulty with a simple rearrangement of the numbers and an occasional minor adjustment of obstacles.

The courses contain standard equipment and a wide sampling of sequencing patterns to test handling skills and enhance any training program. Half of the courses are designed for a 50′ x 100′ area and the other half are designed for an 80′ x 120′ area.

Format: Soft cover, wire-o

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