Where dogs and people come together to play!

Special Agility Achievements


Mimi and Magy happened to achieve their MACH2 on May 24, 2024, Memorial Day Weekend, in Woodland, California.  The organizers of this Agility trial paid tribute to the fact that since World War I, the red poppy has represented the ultimate sacrifice, and symbolizes the memory of fallen soldiers. 
The AKC Agility League showered Mimi and Magy with recognition and bling in honor of their Third Placement Overall of any breed in the entire United States, in the very competitive 12-inch jump height, in the Regulation/Senior Class, for their outstanding performance in Season 5 (Fall 2023


As of July 26, 2023, the American Kennel Club (AKC) ranked Allene Auld’s Duke as the #11 Scottish Terrier in Agility in the U.S.A.

After a grueling four days of competition from October 2 through 5, 2023, Duke was named the “HIGH IN TRIAL” dog in the Montgomery Terrier Agility Cluster in Palmyra, Pennsylvania.

Duke is currently the #1 8-inch Regular Agility Scottish Terrier ranked by PowerScore for 2023 by baddogagility.com.  This means that Duke is recognized as the #1 fastest Scottish Terrier in Agility in the U.S.A. in the 8-inch Regular class, by using average yards per second for all of Duke’s runs recorded by AKC in 2023.

Duke was co-bred and owned by the late Barbara Gibson and Allene Auld, and loved and handled by Allene Auld. CONGRATULATIONS!