As of July 26, 2023, the American Kennel Club (AKC) ranked Allene Auld’s Duke as the #11 Scottish Terrier in Agility in the U.S.A.
After a grueling four days of competition from October 2 through 5, 2023, Duke was named the “HIGH IN TRIAL” dog in the Montgomery Terrier Agility Cluster in Palmyra, Pennsylvania.
Duke is currently the #1 8-inch Regular Agility Scottish Terrier ranked by PowerScore for 2023 by baddogagility.com. This means that Duke is recognized as the #1 fastest Scottish Terrier in Agility in the U.S.A. in the 8-inch Regular class, by using average yards per second for all of Duke’s runs recorded by AKC in 2023.
Duke was co-bred and owned by the late Barbara Gibson and Allene Auld, and loved and handled by Allene Auld. CONGRATULATIONS!